
A Way Forward

These are very challenging and unprecedented times that we are living through at the moment. The impact COVD-19 is having across all aspects of our lives is something we have never experienced before. We do not have a blueprint for what is happening us right now. This pandemic is completely disrupting our daily lives and how we go about our business and sport.

To ensure our survival we are hard-wired to feel safe, secure and comfortable. The very nature of a crisis of this magnitude brings a lot of disruption and threatens our survival and wellbeing. These times are unpredictable, unfamiliar, uncertain and uncomfortable. We have a lot of emotions, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, anger, we feel worried, frightened, helpless. All valid feelings under the circumstances.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ~ Viktor E. Frankl

Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl departed great wisdom to us in his book Man’s Search for Meaning. He denotes that attitude is key to overcoming adversity and finding purpose. All the great philosophical and psychological teachers agree. We need to control the content of our thoughts. And we need to choose optimism. It is how we perceive something that gives it meaning. Nobody can ever force us to think or feel in a certain way. We decide whether to respond or react to our situation.

Being able to reframe, accept and adapt to the circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment requires mental skill. Although these are very tough times there is an opportunity for each of us to learn and grow. There is an opportunity for us to enhance our psychological and behavioural flexibility and find new ways to thrive.

“The struggle against an obstacle inevitably propels the fighter to a new level of functioning. The extent of the struggle determines the extent of the growth. The obstacle is an advantage, not adversity. The enemy is any perception that prevents us from seeing this”
~ Ryan Holiday, The Obstacle is the Way

My team of psychologists, leadership and performance consultants are uniquely equipped with the knowledge, training, experience and insight of many years of working at themost elite level of sport to help you and your team or organisation navigate through these challenging times with a host of webinars, blogs and psychological support.

Some of the services we will deliver are:

We have a comprehensive selection of Covid-19 webinars that are designed to educate, engage and equip your staff on a multitude of mental health, wellbeing and performance enhancement topics. These webinars are an excellent and valuable resource for employers who are looking for ways to help their staff navigate these uncertain times and to give them the tools to psychologically thrive in the face of adversity.

Using the latest technology and interactive software we can offer live online workshops and presentations on any of the topics mentioned above also Q&A support sessions. These LIVE Q&A sessions are very beneficial because your staff get to interact with our team of psychologists to discuss and problem solve some of the challenges they are experiencing.

We are delighted to offer teletherapy to support your staff members that may be struggling with this new reality on a personal or professional manner. Teletherapy is the online delivery of mental health and wellbeing therapy services via telephone or high-resolution live video conference. This is a confidential, highly effective service that has been approved by the Psychological Society of Ireland.

Our team of psychologists will be offering blog articles on all matters related to adapting and coping with Covid-19 and its impact on our daily lives. The blogs will be underpinned by scientific and evidence-based research providing psychological tools to help navigate through this challenging and unprecedented time.